British Speaking Male Actor 25-50
British Speaking Male Actor 25-50 years old for Feature Film.
The character has 6 shooting days during April-June 2025 in Västra Götaland region.
To apply you need to be a resident in Västra Götaland region.
Last day to apply is March 14, but please do it .. Now!
The film is produced by Ögat Film and directed by Anton Källrot.
Casting Director/David Färdmar
The character has 6 shooting days during April-June 2025 in Västra Götaland region.
To apply you need to be a resident in Västra Götaland region.
Last day to apply is March 14, but please do it .. Now!
The film is produced by Ögat Film and directed by Anton Källrot.
Casting Director/David Färdmar
Plats: Göteborg
Kategori: Statister/Skådespelare
Ålder: 25 - 50 år
Publicerad: 3/3
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